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A non-invasive screening method to measure brain activity.

















Neural encoding EEG is performed at the Hong Kong Developmental Paediatrics and Child Neurology Centre.​

What to expect in the Section

An electrode cap is placed on the child’s head



The child then hears a series of auditory stimuli


Signals produced by the brain in response to the auditory stimuli generates an EEG reading​


An AI algorithm analyses the risk of language deficit, and early sign of ASD


How to prepare your child for an EEG Session

Children less than 2 years of age:

Wake the child up two hours earlier than usual in the morning and do not allow a nap the day of the EEG 



Medication use:

If your child takes a stimulant (medication used for attention deficit disorder such as methylphenidate or dexedrine), ask your physician if it should not be given on the day of the EEG. All other medications should be given as prescribed. 



Food/drinks intake:

On the day of the test, your child may eat normally but avoid food or drinks with caffeine such as hot chocolate, tea, or soda. If your child drinks from a bottle, please bring one with you. 



Hair wash:

If you shampoo your child's hair before the study, use only shampoo without conditioner, oil, creams, or gels. Hair should be left loose, no beads or braids.



Source: Preparing-for-an-EEG-Outpatient.pdf (

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